View from the land I really want to buy for the LI ministry center. Look at those mountains and all that green! |
You would not believe what God did yesterday! Remember last week I told you about the cocode (community leader) guy who wanted me to buy land, put it in the name of the community so anyone could use it, and then give him a little bribe? Turns out that there's gossip going around out in that area that there's a white girl wanting to buy land because she wants to mine it, and he wants to make sure that doesn't happen. Where does this nonsense start? Good grief...the only thing out there in those hills is goat poop. I don't think that's terribly valuable. At any rate, we have different levels of community government here, just like in the states. That particular cocode was a very small fish. The other day a very LARGE fish in that pond, a man named Mateo, somehow got a hold of my name and number and called me personally to ask me to please not leave the area and take my program elsewhere. He apologized profusely for the confusion. I invited him to the church yesterday to talk with me face to face since I was going to be out there anyway for the medical mission. He came with another community leader friend of his, and I was so impressed with these guys! Mateo is a cocode of the first level which means that he is right underneath the #1 man in the entire municipality (like our counties). He has four communities under his direct authority, he has headed up multiple development projects including things relating to fruit trees, gardening, and various critters, and he is an evangelical pastor. He is wanting me to move the program to another area of Santa Barbara where he promises he will give me a place to put the ministry center. I explained why I can't do that (I'd lose all the families I currently have because it's too far for the ladies to walk), but told him I'd be open to possibly starting another branch of the program in his area. He also said he'd help me find land down in the area where I am looking because he has some measure of authority and many contacts down there too. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation, and it will be wonderful to have a Christian indigenous man with his level of authority on my side. God is giving me favor in Santa Barbara that would have taken me years to build up on my own. I can't begin to explain to you how very hard it is for a foreigner to win the trust of the Mam population here because they have been so mistreated for so long.
Pastor Bacilio and Joel checking out the land |
Then (and this is the AMAZING part!!) we were talking about areas that are still untouched by the gospel. I told him that someone had told me of a village called Pabatzlom where there is no church of any kind. I only have a very vague idea where it is and a crude map. (By crude I mean a line with an X and the word "cemetery" on it.) This village has been on my mind for months now, but I have had no time to go exploring to try to find it. My plan was to try to visit there, see for myself that there is no church within walking distance for them, and if not, try to get my foot in the door by bringing Loving InDeed there for 6 months like I did in Tuicogel. Once the people get to know me and get comfortable with me, I could try to start a Bible study. The trick is actually finding this place! Would you believe that not only does Mateo know where Pabatzlom is--HE'S THE COCODE THERE TOO! I was completely blown away that God would place this contact right in front of me--I didn't even have to go look! I still have no idea how this man got my name or phone number.
The first time, the only property for sale was above the yellow line. This time it includes the land below the land and a whole lot more that you can't see. There's no way to get it all in the picture! I'd own both sides of the river there and several mature fruit and coffee trees. It's gorgeous, quiet, fertile...perfect! |
All this to let you know that God is working all these details out for Loving InDeed and for the people of Santa Barbara. As far as the land goes, I have pretty much decided against pursuing the 5+ acres I found the other day. There is no way for me to really know who is the ethical owner of that land, and I have no desire to get in the middle of a family fued. The piece I looked at before that one and LOVED (the place with all the fruit trees and the river) is now back on the table. My issue with that chunk was that it was too small, but the owner's father owns the neighboring land, and he is now offering me another piece. The site is stunning, fairly level (which is a HUGE perk and nearly impossible to find in that area), it already has electricity, and water is close to the surface of the land making a well fairly simple. It also has road access. It is PERFECT. Joel, my architect friend, went out there with me yesterday to have a look, and he loved it too. In his opinion, there is plenty of room for the center I want to build (I had already drawn up a detailed sketch with measurements) and plenty of outdoor space left for greenhouses, little barns, and places for the kids to play. The only glitch is the price they are asking. Pray with me that they come down to something more reasonable! If this ends up not working out (although I really think it eventually will), Mateo is going to be looking for land for me too. Please keep praying that God would give me discernment in these matters and continued favor with people in authority out there. And I don't mind telling you that I'm in over my head with the Bible studies, the constructions, the scholarship program, the general running of the food program, the home visits, the search for land, the reading/math program...I desperately need more help. What I really need is a Guatemalan man with a driver's license, his own pickup truck, and a need for a job so I can hand the construction stuff off to someone else. Your prayers for these things and my sanity are greatly appreciated!