by LynnAnn Murphy

Nestled in the Cuchumatanes Mountains of northwestern Guatemala, Huehuetenango has been home to my daughter, Jessie, and me since June of 2010. My primary passion is teaching the Bible to the Mam Indians, but after seeing the extreme physical need of the indigenous population, God led me to start Loving InDeed in August 2014. Through this program widows and their young children receive food and housing assistance, training, free medical care, and spiritual support every week. In January of 2016, the Loving InDeed scholarship program began providing a life-changing education to young people who would otherwise not have the opportunity to study beyond the 6th grade.

Friends in Huehue

Friends in Huehue

Monday, November 2, 2015

Adonai Junior

Sometimes to escape life in Huehue, we drive the two hours to Xela, the next closest big city to us.  Huehue is stunningly beautiful, but unless we're working or exploring it can be pretty boring around here. On the other hand, Xela (or Quetzaltenango if you want it's official name) has bowling, a movie theater, and even a Pizza Hut!  It's almost like being in America...almost.  On the way there, we pass by this little tienda, and it cracks us up every. single. time.  I mean really--Adonai Junior? People around here typically name their little stores after themselves, so presumably the owner of this place is Adonai Junior.  LORD OF THE UNIVERSE.  Junior.  Who names their kid that? It just seems a little...I don't know...presumptuous or something.  But it's good for comic relief when we're tired of being on the road. 

Today while searching through my photos, I came across this one, and it made me chuckle all over again. But then I got to thinking about it. Isn't that really the goal?  To live my life in such a way that it points people to Jesus? To be so Christ-like that people feel like they know God better just for having been around me?  To be a little Adonai Junior?  Ephesians 5:1-2 says, "be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, just as Christ also loved and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God..."  How are you doing in the imitating God department? I'm afraid I'm falling woefully short. The older I get, the more I realize life is less about DOING and more about BEING.  Kind of ironic since I find myself busier than ever these days.  But all of the things I am busy doing--even if most of them are ministry related--aren't as important as being like Jesus.  And being like Jesus is something we can all do whether we work directly in full-time ministry or not.  I'm quite sure that passing by this tienda will still make me snicker, but now along with it will come a twinge of conviction. There's a name I'm supposed to be living up to.  Christian...follower of Christ...Adonai Junior...

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