by LynnAnn Murphy

Nestled in the Cuchumatanes Mountains of northwestern Guatemala, Huehuetenango has been home to my daughter, Jessie, and me since June of 2010. My primary passion is teaching the Bible to the Mam Indians, but after seeing the extreme physical need of the indigenous population, God led me to start Loving InDeed in August 2014. Through this program widows and their young children receive food and housing assistance, training, free medical care, and spiritual support every week. In January of 2016, the Loving InDeed scholarship program began providing a life-changing education to young people who would otherwise not have the opportunity to study beyond the 6th grade.

Friends in Huehue

Friends in Huehue

Monday, May 9, 2016

Tears and Testimonies

Tuicogel is a solitary little village as it sits high atop a very steep hill. You'd struggle to walk up or down to the next nearest village. There are about 33 families who live up there, all of them very poor even though they live only half an hour from the city.  This place had no church when the Lord led me to it, so I started a Bible study on my friend Walfre's front patio.  They now have a little church building that they graciously allow me to use. This was my view this morning when I arrived.  I love this place to bits! The seating you see is all they have.  Half the building is made of mismatched wood; the other half of sheet metal roofing.  It is clearly not weatherproof, as is evidenced by the plastic lining the walls.  Every time I come home from there, I get excited that my legs are finally starting to tan, then I realize that it's just dust from their floor.  But it feels like home.  The villagers wait until they can see my truck parked out front, then they slowly trickle in.  By slowly I mean that the Bible study that should start at 10 a.m. rarely starts before 10:45, and even at that, half the crowd doesn't show up for another 15 minutes at least.  

This morning, like every other Monday morning, I was waiting around for people to show up and admiring the gorgeous view from up there. After a while 6 mamas with all their babies in tow came toodling in and we started our study of the story of the demon-possessed mute guy who Jesus healed in Matthew 9.  We talked about how none of us had ever been mute physically, but oftentimes we are mute spiritually--too shy to share our faith or give testimony to the wonderful things the Lord has done for us. Then I did something I had never done before:  I asked them to share something the Lord had done in their lives. I wasn't sure anyone would respond. Indian women are incredibly shy and very private. After a little while though, three ladies spoke up. With tears dripping off their chins, they each shared a story of how God had come through for them in their time of need.  Their stories blessed me so much that I wanted to share them with you too.

  •   "About 4 years ago my little girl was very sick.  We spent everything we had to take her to different doctors, but no one could figure out what was wrong with her.  She just laid in her bed.  She didn't want to move or be touched or held.  I thought she would die.  Finally we decided that the only thing left to do was fast and pray, so we did.  And God healed my girl.  She is perfectly fine today." 
  •  "A few years ago, I got very sick.  My husband refused to take me to the doctor.  I was in pain all the time and had no one to care for me.  All I could do was pray.  I fasted for 20 days, and spent much time in prayer.  With no doctors and no medicine, God healed me.  I have no more pain."
  • "When my firstborn girl was 10 months old, she got very ill.  She had constant diarrhea and was very weak.  I took her to the emergency room of the National Hospital, and they gave her and IV, but she didn't seem to be getting any better.  I called my husband to tell him what was happening; he was working in the city at the time.  He told me to just let her die.  I cried and cried.  I didn't want my baby to die!  But after a while, God chose to heal my baby, and I got to bring her home." (The little girl in this story is one of my very favorite Loving InDeed kids.  In fact, I wrote about her in a previous blog, Telma's Legacy, which is highlighted to the left.)

Claudia proudly shows off the new goats that were gifted to her family
through Loving InDeed.  We're hoping that fresh goat's milk will help
Claudia and her 5 siblings gain some weight and improve their health.
As I sat there listening to these ladies pour their hearts out, my own heart flooded with gratitude. I'm teaching Bible to Mam Indians in the middle of nowhere--it's the stuff of my childhood fantasies!  I can't believe God lets me do this!  

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